Canadian scholarship programs aim to increase opportunities for Canadian post-secondary institutions to welcome international students who can return home and contribute positively to their society.

Institutions will use this opportunity to strengthen and diversify their international linkages and advance the quality of their academic programs and research projects.

The new connections created through this program will make Canada a partner of choice for countries seeking to grow their education engagement with diverse partners, strengthen trade and economic ties between two nations, and complement the Government of Canada’s broader efforts to diversify international trading relationships.

The Study in Canada Scholarships is one of several exchange programs administered under Global Affairs Canada’s International Scholarships Program.

How do I apply for scholarships in Canada?

There are many ways to apply for a Canadian scholarship program. You can start by visiting the website of the institution you want to attend and looking for their scholarship or financial aid page, or you can contact them directly. You can also check out some of the websites listed below, which have extensive databases of available scholarships.

Where to start: Edu Canada


University of British ColumbiaInternational Leader of Tomorrow Award

And the Wehrung International Student Award

Based on Merits 

University of TorontoPearson International Scholarship

York UniversityGlobal Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship

And the International Entrance Scholarship

Do I need to pay a fee to apply for a scholarship in Canada?

Usually, there is no fee associated with applying for a Canadian scholarship program. However, an application fee may be required by your school or institution if you choose to use it there instead of directly through the funding source. The scholarship mentioned above programs doesn’t require any application fee.

Canadian scholarship programs - Requirements for Applying

The requirements vary from one program to another but generally include a letter of recommendation from your counsellor or principal;  proof of your citizenship status;  your transcript from high school or college; evidence that you meet all academic requirements for attending the school (such as SAT scores); and any other documents required by your school’s financial aid office (like proof of income).

To be eligible, you must be:

  • ✔ A citizen of a suitable country/territory
    • Asia: Bangladesh, Nepal, Taiwan
    • Europe: Türkiye, Ukraine
    • Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia
    • Sub-Saharan Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda and Cameroon.
  • ✔ a student enrolled full-time at a post-secondary institution in an eligible country/territory
  • ✔ paying tuition fees to that institution at the time of application and for the entire duration of your exchange
You do not qualify for this scholarship if:
  • you hold or have a pending application for Canadian citizenship or permanent residency
  • you are already participating in a scholarship program funded by the Government of Canada
  • you are already enrolled in a degree, diploma or certificate program at a Canadian post-secondary institution

Canadian post-secondary institutions interested in hosting students must:

  •  Be a Designated Learning Institution  (DLI)
  • Have a valid student exchange agreement with the student’s home institution that waives tuition fees for scholarship recipients (required for college/undergraduate study only)



Eligible expenses

Selected students may use scholarship funds towards:

  • ✔ visa or study/work permit fees
  • ✔ airfare via the most direct and economical route
  • ✔ health insurance
  • ✔ living expenses, such as accommodation, utilities and food
  • ✔ ground transportation, including a public transportation pass
  • ✔ books and supplies required for their study or research, excluding computers and other equipment

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